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September 04, 2010

The  selection of applications for participation in the I Baikal Venture Fair, to be held in the framework of VI Baikal Economic Forum on September 7, has been completed.

September 04, 2010

The Irkutsk Oblast Government and the State Corporation on the development promotion, high-tech industrial products production and export, Russian Technologies (hereinafter - Russian Technologies, SC) intend to sign the General Agreement on cooperation. As the Oblast Ministry of Economic Development, Labour, Science and High Education informs, a signing ceremony will be held in the framework of VI Baikal Economic Forum on September, 8. The agreement will be  signed by Priangarye Governor Dmitry Mezentsev and CEO of  Rostechnologies, SC Sergey Chemezov.

August 27, 2010

The VI Baikal Economic Forum programme  focuses on working out definite proposals for economic growth, increase of  investment and innovation attractiveness of Eastern regions. As the Council of the Federation Speaker, the VI Baikal Economic Forum Organizing Committee Chairman Sergei Mironov says, this Forum peculiarity is the magnitude of the tasks that are set by its participants.

August 27, 2010

At the plenary session “Siberia - Land of Opportunity. Irkutsk – Point of Support”, which will be held at the VI Baikal Economic Forum, September 7, 2010, the new housing projects discussion is planned. As Ruslan Bolotov, Irkutsk Oblast Minister of Construction and Roads informed at the press conference, the priority will be given to the problems of the low-rise housing and mortgage lending.

August 16, 2010

One more event was included in the VI Baikal Economic Forum Programme- the International Conference "Russia and China: Development of Partnership. New Opportunities”. It will be held in Irkutsk on September, 7. According to the Forum Organizing Committee, the idea was put forward by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. Viktor Basargin, the Minister of Regional Development, and Denis Travin, the Director of the Investment Projects Department of the RF Ministry of Regional Development, are to moderate the conference.

July 28, 2010

The time schedule of the VI Baikal International Economic Forum has been adjusted insignificantly as other significant Federal events are planned to be held. The BEF has scheduled to be held on September, 6 – 9, 2010 – a day earlier than it was scheduled before. This has been announced today by Dmitry Mezentsev, Governor of the Irkutsk region.

July 27, 2010

The ongoing economic crisis has made an impact on the spatial development of Russia. As the Press Center of the VI Baikal Economic Forum has been informed by Mr. Vladimir Knyaginin, Director of the «Center for Strategic Development Center «North West» Fund, there are several results produced by such an impact, but, first of all, it is the stronger Eastern trend of the economic development.

July 26, 2010
Irkutsk region suggests including a project of Olkhon tourist centre by the Small Sea Strait in the federal target program “Development of inner and incoming tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2016)”. Irina Ryutina(the head of Irkutsk region agency on tourism) informed the press centre of Baikal Economic Forum 2010 that it will be a universal tourist recreation centre, where 744 tourist accommodation places with total capacity of 5900 people, including 154 cottages with capacity from three to ten people are planned to build.
July 26, 2010
Russian cities need large-scale programs of modernization, since generation change comes at the time of innovative economy transformation and altering paradigm of natural resources usage. Vladimir Knyaguinin, the director of the Fund “Northwest” Strategic Developments Center”, informed the press centre of Baikal Economic Forum 2010 that the processes occurring at formation of new cities make town-planning and architectural design extremely sophisticated and difficult.
July 14, 2010

The International Symposium on Energy, scheduled to be held in Irkutsk as part of the VI Baikal Economic Forum, will host scientists from Indonesia, Japan, China, North and South Koreas, Mongolia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Italy, Germany. As the VI BEF Press Center has been informed by Alexey Mihkeev, the Scientific Secretary of L.A. Melentyev’s Energy Systems Institute affiliated with SO RAS, by now 117 plenary and section presentations have been submitted for the Symposium.

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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru