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The VII Baikal International Economic Forum Business Partners Regulations

  1. Baikal Economic Forum Business Partners are legal entities that make a contribution to the Forum Organizing Committee by granting the money, carrying out works, and providing services under condition of advertising the sponsors and their goods by the Forum Organizing Committee.
  2. Business sponsors are divided into groups: Strategic Partner, General Partner, Partner, Shanhai Cooperation Organization Conference Partner, Business Program Events Organizing Partner and Target Partner.
    1. Strategic Partner contributes by granting the Forum Organizing Committee 15,000,000 rubles, or provides services or carries out work for the same amount of money.
    2. Strategic Partner is assigned with the status of the  VII Baikal International Economic Forum Strategic Partner  with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotional materials and actions since the moment of signing the contract till September 30, 2011.
    3. Strategic Partner is provided with the opportunity:
      • To make a report (up to 7 minutes) at the Plenary Session (by preliminary coordination  with the Forum Organizing Committee);
      • To participate  in a meeting with representatives of the Russian Federation executive authorities (by preliminary arrangement and coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To participate in a meeting with representatives of bodies of the government of the foreign states (by preliminary arrangement and coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To be provided with assistance in the organization of bilateral meetings (by the Strategic Partner's preliminary application)
      • To organize a round table or client conference under Forum aegis: an opportunity of participation in the topic formulation, and also the invitation of lecturers and participants of discussion, granting of a platform for carrying out  a round table, the report (up to 7 minutes) at a round table (by preliminary arrangement and coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To be granted a platform for press conference carried out  in the Forum Press Centre room or in the zone of business dialogue of the participants, assistance in attraction of mass-media (by preliminary arrangement  with the Forum Press Centre)
      • Participation of 5 representatives of the Strategic Partner in the Forum activities, Package 1
      • Participation of 5 representatives of the Strategic Partner in the Forum activity, Package 3
      • To use the system of loud communication of the Forum to inform the participants about the Strategic Partner’s activities: press conference, signing of agreements, presentation and so forth (by the Strategic Partner's preliminary application)
    4. Strategic Partner is advertised
      • In central and local mass media (according to the media plan)
      • In the Forum information materials and bulletins (the logotype  of the company of the Strategic Partner and a category of partnership  are published in every issue)
      • In the special edition of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum: information-promotional material about the companies of the Strategic Partner, including the logotype, the name of the company, the information of a category of partnership, the size not less than  two A4 page ribbons
      • On the Forum official site: the home page - the logotype of the company of the Strategic Partner and a category of partnership; section Forum Partners – information layout of the company of the Strategic Partner up to 5,000 signs (the  logotype, the name of the company, the category of partnership, the information on activity of the company, the active link to a site of the company) within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • On 10 billboards at  Irkutsk and Baikal highways (individual lay out): the logotype of the company of the Strategic Partner and a category of partnership
      • On the advertisement stands in the locations of the Forum's events: the logotype of the company of the Strategic partner and the category of partnership in the Plenary Session hall; on advertising boards of the Forum business platform, in round tables and press conferences rooms, the cultural program events locations , in the official places of  the Forum participants' accommodation
    1. General Partner contributes by granting 10,000,000 rubles to the Forum Organizing Committee or provides services or carries out works for the same amount of money
    2. General partner is assigned with the status General Partner of VII Baikal International Economic Forum with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotion materials since the moment of signing the contract till  September 30,  2011
    3. General Partner is provided with the opportunity:
      • To participate  in a meeting with representatives of the Russian Federation executive authorities (by preliminary arrangement and coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To participate in a meeting with representatives of bodies of the government of the foreign states (by preliminary arrangement and coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To be provided with assistance in the organization of bilateral meetings (by the General Partner preliminary application)
      • To make the report (up to 7 minutes) at a round table (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • To be granted a platform for press conference carried out  in the Forum Press Centre room or in the zone of business dialogue of the participants, assistance in attraction of mass-media (by preliminary arrangement with the Forum Press Centre)
      • Participation of 3 representatives of the General Partner in the Forum activities, Package 1
      • Participation of 3 representatives of the General Partner in the Forum activities,   Package 3
      • To use the system of loud communication of the Forum to inform the participants about the General Partner’s activities: press conference, signing of agreements, presentation and so forth (by  the Strategic partner's preliminary application)
    4. General Partner is advertised:
      • In central and local mass media (according to the media plan)
      • In the Forum information materials and bulletins (the logotype of the company of the General Partner and a category of partnership  are published in every issue)
      • In the special edition of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum: information-promotional material about the companies of the General Partner, including the logotype, the name of the company, the information of a category of partnership, the size not less than one A4 page ribbon
      • On the Forum official site: the home page – the logotype of the company of the  General Partner and a category of partnership;  Forum Partners section – information layout of the company of the General Partner up to 2,500 signs (the logotype, the name of the company, the category of partnership, the information on activity of the company, the active link to a site of the company) within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • On 5 billboards of Irkutsk and the Baikal highways (individual lay out): the logotype of the company of the General Partner and a category of partnership
      • On the advertisement stands in the locations of the Forum's events: the logotype of the company of the  General Partner and the category of partnership in the Plenary Session hall; on advertising boards of the Forum business platform and press conferences rooms
      • In  Participants’ Information Directory booklet,  Forum Partners section: information material about the company of the General Partner (the logotype, the name of the company,  a category of partnership, the information on activity of the company) the size of one A4 page ribbon
      • In leaflets: the logotype, a category of partnership of the company of the General Partner
    1. Partner contributes by granting  4,000,000 rubles to the Forum Organizing Committee, or provides services or carries out works for the same amount of money
    2. Partner is assigned with the status  Partner of VII Baikal International Economic Forum with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotion materials since the moment of signing the contract till September 30,  2011
    3. Partner is provided with the opportunity:
      • To be provided with assistance in the organization of bilateral meetings (by the Partner preliminary application)
      • Participation of 2 representatives of the Partner in the Forum events, Package 1
      • Participation of 2 representatives of the Partner in the Forum events, Package 3
      • To use the system of loud communication of the Forum to inform the participants about the  Partner’s activities: press conference, signing of agreements, presentation and so forth (by  the Partner's preliminary application)
    4. Partner is advertised
      • In central and local mass media (according to the media plan)
      • In the Forum information materials and bulletins (the logotype of the company of the  Partner and a category of partnership  are published in every issue)
      • In the special edition of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum: information-promotional material about the companies of the Partner, including the logotype, the name of the company, the information of a category of partnership, the size not less than ¼ of a A4 page ribbon
      • On the Forum official site: the home page – the logotype of the company of the Partner and a category of partnership; Forum Partners section – information layout of the company of the Partner up to 1,000 signs (the logotype, the name of the company, the category of partnership, the information on activity of the company, the active link to a site of the company) within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • On 5 billboards of Irkutsk and the Baikal highways (joint lay out): the logotype of the company of the Partner and a category of partnership
      • On the advertisement stands in the locations of the Forum's events: the logotype of the company of the Partner and the category of partnership on advertising boards of the Forum business platform and press conferences rooms
      • In  Participants’ Information Directory booklet,  Forum Partners section: information material about the company of the Partner (the logotype, the name of the company,  a category of partnership, the information on activity of the company) the size of ¼ of a A4 page ribbon
    1. SCO Conference Partner contributes by granting 2,000,000 rubles t the Forum Organizing Committee, or provides services or carries out works for the same amount of money
    2. SCO Conference Partner is assigned with the status   SCO Conference Partner of the  VII Baikal International Economic Forum with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotion materials since the moment of signing the contract till September 30,  2011
    3. SCO Conference Partner provided with the opportunity:
      • To make a report  (up to 7 minutes) at  the SCO Conference events (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • Advertising positioning of  image production of the company of the SCO Conference Partner (banners, mobile stands) at SCO Conference business events platforms, for the period of carrying out of the event  (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • Granting own printed media materials and souvenirs with the logotypes of the Forum and the company of the SCO Conference Partners for participants of business events of the SCO Conference (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • Participation of 2 representatives of the SCO Conference Partner in the Forum events, Package 1
      • Participation of 2 representatives of the SCO Conference Partner in the Forum events, Package 3
      • To organize a buffet dinner for SCO Conference participants (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
    4. SCO Conference Partner is advertised:
      • In the Forum information materials and bulletins (the logotype of the company of the  SCO Conference Partner and a category of partnership  are published in every issue)
      • On the Forum official site: the home page - information layout of the company of the SCO Conference Partner up to 500 signs (the logotype, the name of the company, a category of partnership, the information on activity of the company, the active link to a site of the company); in the Forum Program section - mentioning the company of the SCO Conference Partner as “is carried out at support...” within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • On the advertisement stands in the SCO Conference business events location: the logotype of the company of the SCO Conference Partner and a category of partnership
      • In  Participants’ Information Directory booklet,  Forum Partners section: information material about the company of the SCO Conference Partner (the logotype, a category of partnership), Forum Program section – mentioning the company of the SCO Conference Partner as “is carried out at support....” 
        In leaflets: the logotype, the category of partnership of the company of the  SCO conference Partner
  7. Business Program Partner
    1. Business Program Partner contributes by granting 1,000,000 rubles to the Forum Organizing Committee, or provides services or carries out works for the same amount of money
    2. Business Program Partner is assigned with the status  Business Program Partner of the  VII Baikal International Economic Forum with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotion materials since the moment of signing the contract till September 30,  2011
    3. Business Program Partner Conference is provided with the opportunity:
      • To organize a round table under the Forum aegis: an opportunity of participation in the topic formulation, and also the invitation of lecturers and participants of discussion, the report (up to 7 minutes) at the round table conducted at support of the Business Program Partner (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • Advertising positioning of  image production of the company of the Business Program Partner (banners, mobile stands) at the round table conducted at support of the Business Program Partner platform for the period of carrying out of  the event (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • Granting own printed media materials and souvenir production with the logotype of the Forum and the company of the Business Program Partner for participants of a round table conducted at support of the Business Program Partner (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee )
      • To organize a buffet dinner for participants of a round table, conducted at support of the Business Program Partner (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
      • Participation of 1 representative of the Business Program Partner in the Forum events, Package 1
      • Participation of 1 representative of the Business Program Partner in the Forum events, Package 3
    4. Business Program Partner is advertised:
      • On the Forum official site: in the Forum Partners section - information layout of the company of the Business Program Partner up to 500 signs (the logotype and the category of partnership, active link to the site of the company)
      • in the Forum Program section - mentioning the company of the Business Program Partner as “is carried out at support...” within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • On the advertisement boards at the round tables, conducted at support of the Business Program Partner, platforms: the logotype of the company  and a category of the partnership
      • In  Participants’ Information Directory booklet,  Forum Partners section: information material about the company of the Business Program Partner (the logotype, a category of  partnership), Forum Program section – mentioning the company of the Business Program Partner as “is carried out at support....”
      • In leaflets: the logotype, a category of partnership of the company of the Business Program Partner
    1. Target Partner contributes by granting 1,000,000 rubles to the Forum Organizing Committee, or provide services or carries out works for the same amount of money
    2. Target Partner is assigned with the status  Target Partner of the  VII Baikal International Economic Forum with the right to use the Forum logotype and the given status reference in the promotion materials since the moment of signing the contract till September 30,  2011
    3. The Target partner is given an opportunity:
      • Participation of 1 representative of the Target Partner in the Forum events, Package 1
      • Participation of 1 representative of the Target Partner in the Forum events, Package 3
      • To advertise the production of the company of the Target Partner at the Forum business and cultural events (by preliminary coordination with the Forum Organizing Committee)
    4. The Target partner is advertised:
      • On the Forum official site:  the Forum Partner  Section – information layout of the company of the Target Partner up to 500 signs (the logotype, a category of partnership of the company and the active link to the site of the Target Partner) within 3 days since the moment of providing the information
      • In Participants’ Information Directory booklet, Forum Partners section: the logotype and a category of partnership of the Target Partner
      • In leaflets: the logotype, a category of partnership of the company of the Target Partner
  9. Partner participation in the VII Baikal International Economic Forum contracts are concluded after the procedure of acknowledgment of a nominee of the company by the Forum Organizing Committee. Contracts are sent to the Partners by e-mail or fax
  10. After signing the contract, the Forum Organizing Committee prepared the invoice on payment, term of payment - 5 (five) bank days. After the invoice being paid, the Partner directs a copy of the bank order with a bank money transfer mark to the Forum Organizing committee by fax +7 3952 259133
  11. In the case if a Partner Package suggest free-of-charge participation in the Forum Official Program to the certain quantity of representatives of the company, it is necessary for a Partner to present the final list of the given representatives of the company not later than August 15, 2011 (having filled the standard form of data submission) to the Forum Organizing Committee
  12. In the case if Partner applies for more participants than it is established by a quota, registration and payment are made according to the rules established for participants of the Forum
  13. The report on the funds application is directed to a Partner up to October 30, 2011






strategic partner

general partner






general media partner


official media partner


media partner



VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru