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July 26, 2010

Russia needs large-scale programs of cities modernization

Russian cities need large-scale programs of modernization, since generation change comes at the time of innovative economy transformation and altering paradigm of natural resources usage. Vladimir Knyaguinin, the director of the Fund “Northwest” Strategic Developments Center”, informed the press centre of Baikal Economic Forum 2010 that the processes occurring at formation of new cities make town-planning and architectural design extremely sophisticated and difficult.

“Material world is ready to meet new generations – there exist technologies providing “unlimited mobility”, the level of biotechnologies development enables people to model the state of their health. Development of energy industry and other branches enables not only to bring down the power resources consumption, but also to minimize the use of carbohydrate resources. Vladimir Knyaguinin underlined that in the conditions of conversion towards “smart” things and intellectual systems created according to the principle “system within the system”, the architecture should be totally different from that of industrial period, it should be close to system design and system engineering. The aim of architecture is the linking of “smart” things into a uniform system – “a smart city”.

According to the expert, the “smart” city concept is based on possibility of getting feedback, on real time condition monitoring of a considerable number of parameters and on managing of the city and social systems including power and transport networks, water supply, security and police systems and public health services. For starting of new architecture the standards (regulations) of design should be reconsidered in the country. It is necessary to discuss all these issues at the round table: “Spatial development: country – region – city – house” that will take place during the Baikal Economic Forum 2010.





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