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September 04, 2010

Irkutsk Oblast Government and Rostechnology, SC, Will Sign the General Cooperation Agreement at the VI BEF.

The Irkutsk Oblast Government and the State Corporation on the development promotion, high-tech industrial products production and export, Russian Technologies (hereinafter - Russian Technologies, SC) intend to sign the General Agreement on cooperation. As the Oblast Ministry of Economic Development, Labour, Science and High Education informs, a signing ceremony will be held in the framework of VI Baikal Economic Forum on September, 8. The agreement will be  signed by Priangarye Governor Dmitry Mezentsev and CEO of  Rostechnologies, SC Sergey Chemezov.

In the frames of the Agreement. Rostechnologies, SC undertakes measures to assist the corporation organizations, which operate economically in the region, to develop, produce and export  high-tech industrial products; to implement  using the scientific, technical, design and production potential of the Corporation innovative projects.

The agreement also states that parties are interested in developing long-term, effective and mutually beneficial cooperation and will contribute to  the development of productive and scientific potential of the Irkutsk region.
Reference: Rostechnologies, SC ,  is represented in the Irkutsk Oblast by two companies, Irkutsk Research Institute of Aviation Technology and Production Organization, OJSC (the share of the Corporation in the authorized capital of the company is 100%) and East-Siberian Biotechnology Plant,  Tulun ( the share of the Corporation in the authorized capital of the enterprise is 70.58%).






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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru