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July 27, 2010

Vladimir Knyaginin: Eastern trend of Russian economic development to gain strength

The ongoing economic crisis has made an impact on the spatial development of Russia. As the Press Center of the VI Baikal Economic Forum has been informed by Mr. Vladimir Knyaginin, Director of the «Center for Strategic Development Center «North West» Fund, there are several results produced by such an impact, but, first of all, it is the stronger Eastern trend of the economic development.

«It is now that a number of major companies have announced a reengineering of their corporative structures, separation of their Asiatic divisions inside their businesses. Consequently, further on, we will see the transportation and energy sector connected infrastructures developing, which, in one way or another, is likely to contribute into the integration of Russia into the Asiatic - Pacific region. Gradually, Vladivostok is becoming more significant as a transportation hub of Russia; meridian but not latitudinal communication links with China are being built up. The projects specified in the border cooperation program signed by the two countries, constitute not the most powerful, but quite substantial belt of the new capturing in the East », - Vladimir Knyaginin is said as quoting.

According to him, as Russia has good trade commercial relations with Asia, she has traditionally occupied a significant place on the raw material markets of this territory. It is clear to see the share Russia occupies on the technological markets (first of all, this is about armaments and energy sector construction). However, these trends are not exhaustive. That’s why the task the VI Baikal Economic Forum is challenged with is to answer the question - in what way Russia is integrating into the growing Asiatic region.

Vladimir Knyaginin has commented that the main transportation, trade and economic ties of Russia with Asia are being built up through Saint Petersburg rather than through the Far East. For example, some Asian corporations have placed in Saint Petersburg their auto motive assembly plants. The Korean companies consider Saint Petersburg as the point where ship yards are going to be located.

«Considering, that the Asiatic countries, being neighbors to our country, are extensively expanding, and as a result of their expansion, these are the countries that determine the investment appeal, and the configuration of the transportation infrastructure and migration flows in the region, it is becoming utterly important for Russia to understand, what other key control points she has to have in the Far East. «The Asiatic agenda» for Russia is still open, and the number of questions to be answered are bigger than the answers to them », - the Expert pointed out.





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