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Regulation on Media Partners of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum

  1. Media Partners of the Baikal International Economic Forum are Russian and foreign mass media which provide information service for the Forum. Information service is understood as publication of information materials about a substantial part of the Forum and information-promotional materials about the Forum and its Business partners (sponsors).
  2. Media Partners of the Baikal International Economic Forum are subdivided into groups: General Media Partner, Official Media Partner and Media Partner.
    1. General Media Partner places materials about the Forum for the amount not less than  4,000,000 rubles.
    2. Official Media Partner places materials about the Forum for the amount 1,500,000- 4,000,000 rubles.
    3. Media Partner places materials about the Forum for the amount up to 1,500,000 rubles.
  3. General Media Partner
    1. General Media Partner acquires the right to accreditation of three representatives for all Forum events (two participants of the Plenary Session including) and the right to hotel accommodation for three persons at the expense of the Forum Headquarters for the time of the Forum carrying out (September 12-14, 2011 ). The Forum Headquarters has the right to choose the place of accommodation.
    2. General Media Partner is provided with the opportunity to publish and to place
      • The logotype - in the central and local mass media (according to the media plan);
      • The logotype and information materials - in the Forum newsletters; 
      • The logotype and information-promotional material in the size not less than one A4page ribbon - in the special edition of the VII Baikal Economic Forum,
      • The logotype and a category of partnership - on five advertising stands in the Forum events platforms;
      • The logotype and a category of partnership - on five city billboards;
      • Own booklet or a leaflet - in the Forum Participants Information Package;
      • The logotype and a brief information in the Participants’ Information Directory  booklet, in  Forum Partners section;
      • The logotype, the information and a banner with the active link to the General Media Partner site - on the Forum official site;
    3. General Media Partner has an opportunity of distribution of advertising-information production (newspaper or magazine issue, special advertising newspaper or magazine issue) at the Forum events; and to broadcast General Media Partner programmes or commercials at the Forum video media at the Forum platforms in the case if technical possibility. General Media Partner  informs the Forum Headquarters about such intention  not less than two weeks before the Forum start up.
  4. ​Official Media Partner
    1. ​Official Media Partner acquires the right to accreditation of three representatives to all Forum events (including one for direct participation in the Plenary Session) and the right to hotel accommodation of one person at the expense of the Forum Headquarters for the time of the Forum carrying out (September 12-14, 2011 ). The Forum Headquarters has the right to choose the place of accommodation.
    2. Official Media Partner is provided with the opportunity to publish and to place:
      • ​The logotype - in the central and local mass media (according to the media plan);
      • The logotype and information materials - in the Forum newsletters;
      • The logotype and information-promotional material in the size not less than 1/8 page ribbon À4 - in the special edition of the VI Baikal Economic Forum;
      • The logotype and a category of partnership - on three advertising stands in places of carrying out of the Forum events;
      • The logotype and a category of partnership - on one city billboard;
      • The logotype and a brief information in the Participants’ Information Directory  booklet, in  Forum Partners section;
      • The logotype, the information and a banner with the active link to a site of the Official Media Partner - on the Forum official site;
    3. ​Official Media Partner has an opportunity of distribution of advertising-information production (newspaper or magazine issue, special advertising newspaper or magazine issue) at the Forum events.Official Media Partner  informs the Forum Headquarters about such intention  not less than two weeks before the Forum start up.
  5. ​Media Partner
    1. ​Media partner acquires the right to accreditation of one representative to all Forum events and the right to publication at the expense of the Forum:
      • ​The logotype, the information and a banner with the active link to a site of the Information Partner - on an official site of the Forum
      • The logotype - in the Forum newsletters.
  6. ​Note: publications of the press conferences information  are not sponsorship.
  7. Partner participation in the VI Baikal International Economic Forum contracts are concluded after the procedure of acknowledgement of a nominee of the company in the Forum Organizing Committee. Contracts are sent to the Partners by e-mail or by fax.
  8. Having signed the contract, the Forum Headquarters prepares the invoice on payment, term of payment - 5 (five) bank days. After payment of the invoice, the Partner directs a copy of the bank order with a bank money transfer mark to the Forum Headquarters committee by fax +7 3952 259133;
  9. In the case if a Partner Package suggest free-of-charge participation in the Forum Official Program to the certain quantity of representatives of the company, it is necessary for Partner to present the final list of the given representatives of the company not later than August 10, 2011 (having filled the standard form of submission of data) to the Forum Headquarters.
  10. In the case if Partner applies for more participants than it is established by a quota, registration and payment are made according to the rules established for participants of the Forum.
  11. Accommodation, transport service and the individual cultural programme are made out by separate additional contracts with the operators providing these services.
  12. The Certificate of the executed works, project variant, with the appendix of the report on the provided services (promotional materials, copies of distributing materials to participants of the Forum, the publication in printed and electronic mass-media with publications of the information on the sponsor) is delivered within 15 days since the moment of the termination of granting of services.
    The photo report on the electronic carrier is given to the Partner not later than on October 10, 2011.
  13. The Partner considers the project of the Certificate of the executed works within 5 (five) working days, and if it answers the contract’s terms,  signs it or (if there are any remarks) directs motivated objections to the Forum Headquarters.
  14. The Account-invoice goes to the Partner immediately after signing the Certificate of the executed works by both parties.motivated objections to the Forum Headquarters.The Account-invoice goes to the Partner immediately after signing the Certificate of the executed works by both parties.





strategic partner

general partner






general media partner


official media partner


media partner



VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru