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Russia-China conference on cross-border and interregional cooperation programme

Time: 14:30 –16:30

Organizer: Ministry of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation

Venue: Baikal Business Centre

Topic for Discussion:

Mechanisms of support of and financing priority investment projects of Russian-Chinese cooperation

Discussion Idea:

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Russia and China Cross Border Cooperation Programme that was approved by the Heads of the States in October, 2009. In particular, it is support for investment projects that are included in the list of key projects of the Programme.

Together with the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Ministry carried out activity on the structuring and selection of priority investment projects, and working out recommendations on financing and implementation of the investment projects. The Ministry of Regional Development recruits the community of experts, including members of the Advisory Council on the regional investment policy at the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

The proposals on elaboration of mechanisms to support and finance priority projects of the Programme were discussed at the meeting of the Heads of establishments that are responsible for implementation of Cross Border Cooperation Programme (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and State Committee of China National Development and Reform) in June 2009. The agreement was reached to discuss this topic at the next conference on cross-border co-operation with experts of the banking sector.

At the meeting, the Chinese part proposed to establish a joint investment fund to promote cooperation between regions of the Far East, Eastern Siberia of the Russian Federation and the North-East China in order to attract additional investments in projects that are included in the list of the key projects of the Programme of Cross Border Cooperation.

Conference organizers believe that presentation of the experience of investors and banks in financing investment projects, including with foreign participation, can be useful and effective. The constructive dialogue between representatives of Russian and Chinese authorities and business circles will be conducted within the framework of the Conference. Discussion of mechanisms of interaction in the sphere of finance is an important step in the implementation of joint Russian-Chinese projects.


14:35 – 14:40

Viktor F. Basargin, Minister of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Greetings.

14:35 – 14:40

Zhang Guobao, Deputy Chairman of the CPPCC Committee on Economy, Head of the Expert Council under the National Energy Commission. Greetings.


14:40 –14:45

Dmitry F. Mezentsev, Irkutsk Region Governor. Greetings.

14:45 –14:50

Li Huei, His Excellency Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation. Greeting.


14:50 –15:50

Presentations of the speakers – participants of the discussion:

Wan Huajian, Deputy Director of the Department of the Revival of North East of China of the National Committee of the People's Republic of China on National Development and Reform:

“Establishment of the Fund and the Basis for Promoting Regional Development.

Aleksandr V. Bazhenov, Àëåêñàíäð Âëàäèñëàâîâè÷ Áàæåíîâ, Director of PPP Centre of Vnesheconombank:

"Mechanisms of Financing the Priority Investment Projects of Russian-Chinese Cooperation, Including Those With the Use of the Direct Investment Fund, in the Development of the Far East".

Head of the Delegation of the China Development Bank, the Department of Development of the China State Development Bank Activity:

"On the Establishment of a Joint Russia-China Fund of Direct Investments in Order to Finance Projects of the Programme of Cooperation."

Ivan V. Ryutov, partner of “Ernst & Young (CIS) B.V.” company:

"International Experience in Financing and Implementation of Cross-border Cooperation Projects."

Denis G. Travin, Director of Investment Projects Department of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation:

"Using the Tools of Public-Private Partnership in the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects."

Head of Delegation of China Investment Corporation (Department of External and Public Relations):

"On the Possibilities of the Fund in Terms of Chinese investors."

Wang Jianlin, Deputy China Industry and Commerce Association, the PC CPPCC member, President of the "Wanda" Corporation, Dalian:

“Participation of Chinese Corporations in the Fund Financing.”

Lu Zhiqiang, Deputy of the China Industry and Commerce Association, the PC CPPCC member, President of the "Fanhay" Corporation:

“Participation of the China Corporations in the Financing the Fund.”

Ravil F. Geniatulin, Governor of Zabaykalsky Krai:

"Experience of Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Field of Investments. Problems and Prospects."

Zheng Weidong, President of the AKB "Commercial and Industrial Bank of China"(Moscow), ZAO:

"Experience of the Bank Activity in Russian-Chinese Projects."

Zhao Lianjie, President of the AKB "Bank of China" (Elos, Moscow):

"Experience of the Bank Activity in Russian-Chinese Projects."

Aleksandr Y. Sergeev, Managing Director of "EN +":

"Experience of Cooperation in the Energy Field. Proposals for the Activity of the Fund."

Gennadiy F.Alekseev, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):

"Construction of the Infrastructure of Tourism-recreation cluster, "Northern World"

Valery A. Rostokin, "Nitol" Company Director General:

"Practice of Working with Major Chinese Investors."

Alexander V. Bazarov, Board Member, Vice President, Director of the Department of Global Customers of "Sberbank of Russia" OAO:

"Interaction in the Sphere of Financing and Implementation of Joint Russian-Chinese Projects."

Vyacheslav V. Nogovitsyn, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia:

"Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Construction of Housing and Infrastructure."

Head of Delegation of the 'Jilin" building corporation:

"Participation in Investment Projects on Infrastructure Construction."

Head of the Delegation of the "Shenhua" Corporation:

"Participation in Investment projects in Extractive Industries."

Speeches of the interested executive authorities of the Russian Federation and China, the Bank of Russia, VTB, and others, development institutions, large companies, project proponents.

15:50 –16:10

Opinions exchange between co-chairmen and participants of the conference.

16:10 –16:20

Conclusion by co-Chairmen

Co-chairmen meeting with the Media.





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