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August 15, 2011

B. Khakimov: The increasing pace of cooperation with ASEAN aims to promote the development of Siberia and Russian Far Ea

The Baikal Economic Forum opens up great opportunities to improve information exchange with the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR).

As Bakhtiar Khakimov, the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Asia and Pacific Region informed the VII BEF Press Centre, the round-table  “Russia – ASEAN”   discussion which will be held within  the framework of the VII BEF, will give opportunity to the  Russian regions and  Southeast Asia countries to become better acquainted with the economic potential of each other.

“The policy of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region aimed at accelerating the development of Siberia and Russian Far East. Abundant natural resources and scientific and technological potential of these areas provide ample opportunities for their active involvement in regional integration processes, - said Bakhtiar Khakimov. - Residents of Siberia and the Far East should feel as a  part of the overall Asia-Pacific area, that will ultimately contribute to the prosperity of this region and improve the quality of life of its people.”
According to Khakimov, strengthening cooperation with ASEAN aims to contribute to this goal, as recorded in the approved by Dmitry Medvedev, the RF  President,   Programme of Action to Strengthen the  position of Russia in the Asia Pacific region.

Russia and ASEAN countries solve many one and the  same problems  of the modernization of the economy. At the present time, there are good prospects for cooperation in transport, in particular, to establish a supply chain between Russia and the "tens", using the transit potential of our country and improvement of transport infrastructure.

Countries of "tens" are paying increased attention to energy security and therefore are interested in increasing cooperation with Russia in the field of traditional and renewable energy.





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