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August 06, 2011

The production of high purity spherical silica beads is planned for starting up at Usoliekhimprom, LLC

The production of an experimental batch of high-purity spherical silica beads for the electronic components of the Russian Federation will be started this year at at  Usoliekhimprom, LLC.  Mikhail Kornyakov,  Vice-rector of  NO ISTU on innovation, informed of it.

Involved in the research activity and development of production technology  experts NR  ISTU Technopark, are going  to present the at the exhibition of investment projects, which will be held within the framework of the VII  Baikal International  Economic Forum.

Quartz grains are used as fillers of compounds, which in turn are used to fill shells of chips, solar modules, in the manufacture of liquid crystal displays, fiber optics and high-temperature quartz products.
The project is implemented jointly with Nitol company. The total project budget is 403 million rubles. Federal funding through the Ministry of Education is  198 million rubles. By 2013, it is planned to create a high-tech enterprise in the industrial area of Nitol company with the capacity of over 4,000 tons of quartz grit per year (15% of world demand).  250 new workplaces will be created as a result.





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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

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