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August 05, 2011

Representatives of the Netherlands and the USA will participate in the VII BEF

The Netherlands and the USA has entered the list of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum participants. Henry Teodorus  Donders and  Adrian Jan Van Gils, CS Medica company specialists; Paul Herbert ,Ilim Group, JSC CEO have been registered as the Forum guests.

Totally, as of on August 1, representatives of  Finland, Mongolia, Poland, Switzerland, Colombia and Brazil, Japan, Kazakhstan, France, the Netherlands and the United States announced their participation in the Forum.

Christian Poncelet, ex-Chairman of the Senate of the French Republic, Honorary President of the Association of European Senates, and Jean-Pierre Thomas,  the representative of the President of the French Republic Sarkozyn in the RF, will visit Irkutsk as members of the French delegation.     





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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru