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July 07, 2011

The XX Annual International Congress "New Technologies in GAS, OIL and Electric Power Industries, and Communication" will be Held in Irkutsk under the Auspices of the BEF

The XX Annual International Congress “New Technologies in Gas, Oil and Electric Power Industries, and Communication” will be held on August 23-26 in Irkutsk, dated to the VII Baikal International Economic Forum.

More than 200 people are expected to participate in the international congress. The European Business Congress “Industry and Construction” and scientific-technological sessions will be held within the framework of the event. The exhibition-poster colloquium of the Congress  is also planned; new technologies of gas industry; technologies of extraction, production and usage of helium, technology of gas hydrates deposits development; new technologies of oil and petrochemical industries; and power industry will be the main topic of the Congress.

The programme includes the reception on behalf of the Irkutsk Region Governor to celebrate the opening of the Congress and the National Technology Award winner’s ceremony; as well as reciprocal reception organized by Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk, LLC.





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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru