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June 28, 2011

VII BEF Headquarters: the Active Preparation to the VII BEF Stage Has Started Up

The VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters start up meeting was held on June, 28 in the Baikal Business Centre.  Vladimir Pashkov, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Irkutsk Region, Viktor Grigorov, the VII BEF Headquarters Head, and Lyubov Mozhaeeva, the Forum Design Group Leader participated in the briefing in its frames.

Vladimir Pashkov highlighted the main points of the Forum programme that is scheduled according to the scheme based on the positive experience of the previous years.   Traditionally, plenary sessions, round tables discussions and business exhibitions are planned. The traditional Shanghai Cooperation Organization Day  is scheduled on September, 14.

The discussion “On the State Policy of the Development of Far East and Baikal Region” will be the main topic of the BEF-2011 Plenary Sessions.  The main issues of the legislative support for the implementation of the scientific-technical and innovative potential of Siberia and the Far East, the forest industry modernization, new urban philosophy, the implementation of environmental technologies and improvement of preserving the Baikal ecosystem arrangement will be discussed at the round tables. Vladimir Pashkov said that the main part of the Forum membership has been already formed.  Representatives of some foreign delegations have confirmed their intention to participate in the Forum. Mongolia, China, Japan and Korea guests are expected to arrive. The negotiations with Singapore are in process.

A thousand and a half people are expected to participate in the Forum. Viktor Grigorov, the VII BEF Headquarters Head focused on the activity to organize accommodation,   meals and transfers of the Forum guests and the preparation of the main platforms. Lyubov Mozhaeeva, the Forum Design Group Leader, presented two basic symbols of the Forum design – the globe and the Baikal.


This year, the main conference hall will be arranged as amphitheatre.  Irkutsk streets and squares will be decorated with the Forum Symbols.
We remind that the VII Baikal International Economic Forum will be held in Irkutsk on September, 12-14, 2011.





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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters
279, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, Russia, 664050

Foreign Participants Working Group
+7 3952 259 284
e-mail: sherstova@baikalforum.ru