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September 04, 2010

Council of Federation Summed up Two Year Legislative Work in Small and Medium Enterprises Field

The Council of Federation summed up the two year legislative work in the field of small and medium enterprises since the last forum. V BEF recommendations were adopted to mark the vector of development of legislation and mechanisms to stimulate small business at various levels of government. As Oganyan Ohannes, the  Council of Federation Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property Chairman, informed the VI BEF Press Center , several significant  legislation bills have been adopted for last two years. The Federal Law "On the Singularities of the Alienation of Immovable Property Situated in the State-owned Estate in Russia or Municipally-owned and Leased by Small and Medium Enterprises, and Amendments to Some Legislative Acts", which provides preferential right to purchase the premises for small and medium-sized enterprises, are among them.

The Federal Law “On Amendments to the Tax Code, First and Second Parts” and certain legislative acts having been  adopted; in November 2008, the tax rate on profits of enterprises and organizations was reduced from 24% to 20% by the federal part of it. In 2009,  the Federal Law "On Amending Article 2 of the Federal Law “On  Use of Cash Technology in the Implementation of Cash Payments and (or) Calculations With the Use of Payment Cards”,  and separate legislative acts, freeing taxpayers single tax on imputed income from the compulsory use of cash equipment, - said Oganyan Ohannes. – And certainly, being adopted in July 2010 so-called "anti-raider" Federal Law "On Amending the Criminal Code and Article 151 of the Code”, which allows to prosecute at the early stages of raider attacks.”

Being enacted in July 2010, the Federal Law "On General Principles of the Provision of Public (Municipal) Services and Government (Municipal) Functions Performance should play an important role in improving the quality of public (municipal) services, reduce costs for administrative costs and reducing time for processing applications of businessmen to the authorities.

 The universal federal portal for small and medium enterprises is running to improve information Internet support;  it has regional sections, so every businesses can obtain all the necessary information and some public services electronically, regardless of location, as well as participate in electronic trading.





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