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July 08, 2010

Mikhail Slipenchuk: it is necessary to come from prohibitive measures to permissive ones in the Baikal

It's necessary to make ecomanagement of the Baikal in such manner that come from prohibitive measures to permissive ones under strict government control. This is declared by Mikhail Slipenchuk, head of "Metropol" group of companies, Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal during the press-conference on commencing of third stage of international scientific expedition "Mirs on Baikal".

«One of targets of the fund for protection of Lake Baikal is public attention to complications and problems existing on Baikal", said Mikhail Slipenchuk. "We have lake richest in flora and fauna variety. But people living on its shores do not have possibilities for development because of strict environmental legislation".

in 2008-2009 during first and second stages of expedition deep submersible "Mir" made 120 trips. This year it is planned to submerge more than 60 times in middle and southern parts of the lake. The aim of submersions is to make integrates study of Lake Baikal under the program of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Major part of study is possible to conduct deep submersible "Mirs" only. Also, under official request of Federal Service of Supervision of Natural resources, it is planned to take samples of water and soil close to Baikal paper mill in order to study influence of production emissions to the lake ecosystem. Fauna of Lake Baikal, underwater mud volcanoes and tectonic activity will be studied as well.

the expedition "Mirs on Baikal" will be finished during Baikal Economic forum and some results of three years scientific research will be provided during round table "protection of Baikal ecosystem and wise nature management".





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VII Baikal International Economic Forum Headquarters

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